Who do you turn to usually to promote your brand?

Let me guess...
The "influencer" with a million followers, posting their life story every day?
He does look like an expert at driving massive attention to whatever they promote.
It’s no wonder many influencers charge outrageous fees and are very difficult to onboard.
But you probably would have to ship your product, offer a trial, or let them have a taste of your brand before they can even write a script about it.
Here’s an idea.
Have you ever considered leveraging your existing customer base for influencer outreach campaigns?
These customers are already familiar with your brand and have had positive experiences, lending credibility to your brand.
Moreover, existing customers may have a genuine passion for your offerings, making their endorsements more compelling.
Their testimonials will likely resonate with your target audience, as they represent real-life experiences that others can relate to.
Additionally, tapping into your customer base for influencer collaborations can be cost-effective.
Given their existing relationship with your brand, these individuals may be more willing to engage in partnerships or collaborations for mutual benefit.
All you have to do is ask! You’d be surprised how loyal customers are willing to help a brand they genuinely love.
I hope you give this a try. And if you do, let me know how it goes. I look forward...
Are you the someone that sets resolutions or do you like to just go with the flow?
I'm not much of a resolutions kind of person, but personally, I think that putting goals down on paper, or even better, sharing them with others, makes them concrete and more attainable.